Friday, September 3, 2010

Feedback Friday

A reader named Brandy had some great feedback for Heartsong author Donna Robinson.

Brandy explained in her letter about several tragic events that have happened recently in her life. She said after reading For the Love of Books, "I want to thank you. I just got over some bad feelings I had at God.... Your book has helped me a lot, and I hope you write more about Fort Lob and all its lovely people. God bless you."

What a great reminder of the impact a spiritual message can have in a book.


Donna Reimel Robinson said...

Thank you for sharing this, JoAnne! That is so exciting! And it's humbling to think the Lord used my book to help someone. I'll be sure to keep Brandy in prayer!

Thanks again!

Holly Armstrong said...

It's great to hear that Christian fiction is having a spiritual impact. Stories have such power to touch the heart.

Paula said...

This is wonderful! I love how our LORD works to encourage His people! Keep up the good work, Donna.