We had a Mother’s Day contest, so it's only fair to have a Father’s Day contest, right?
I think I’m very lucky to have grown up with parents who love to read and have encouraged that in me, too. When he finds the time, my dad devours books. Seriously, when I give him a book, I ask him not to lose too much sleep over it because he can’t seem to spread it out over a few days. It must be read in its entirety, immediately, even if it means staying up all night. Frank Peretti, Max Lucado, and John Grisham are probably his favorite authors, and he got me hooked on them, too, as early as junior high.
The most special times I remember with my dad as I grew up were his bedtime readings of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I think my sister and I made him read it to us several different times, and I don’t think anyone can read it aloud as well as my dad can. He also made sure we knew the spiritual meaning behind it. And better than just a love for reading, Dad has taught me to seek Truth always—to never just accept what I read as truth because it's in print but to evaluate it in light of the real Truth of Jesus and the Truth of His Word. Thanks for that, Dad. What a great lesson. I love you.
If you have them, I want to hear comments about how your father encouraged you in your writing and/or in your love of reading. Or if you’re a father yourself, how are you encouraging your children in reading and writing? I’ll draw a couple names from the comments and send you a free book or two.
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Father’s Day!!
My father was a construction worker before he retired, and even though the job was tiring, he loved to read. Saturdays were library day as he'd take the whole family to the town library for us all to get books--including himself. And now that he's basically blind, he still loves books on tapes.
Barbara Curtis
My dad was a huge reader and reading books to us kids. (eight of us) was his biggest fathering role...that and playing baseball...and making us do chorse.
He'd pull the youngest ones on his lap and keep us busy and entertained while Mom cooked but we'd all listen. Even if we just gathered around him.
He'd do all the voices and make funny sounds and put tons of feeling into it. He made it really fun.
My dad read to us as well and it is one of my favorite memories of him. Robinson Crusoe, Swiss Family Robinson, Freckles, and others. Such a great time. Such a great heritage.
My dad did not even graduate from the eighth grade, but that did not hamper his ability to read. He read the Bible to us EVERY morning without fail. He also read to us from an excellent Bible story book. I still remember the feel of sitting on his lap, leaning against his chest as he read. Even though he had to quit school early to work on the farm, he was a life-long student--of the Bible and other good reading material. He's now been in heaven for almost 19 years, so Father's Day is a non-entity for me, except to thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful, Christian father.
My dad so believed in my writing he funded a not-inexpensive self-publishing venture to put my first book into the hands of readers. When I received my first traditional contract (with Barbour's Heartsong line), he was the person I wanted to call first because I knew he'd be the most excited. He tells me often how proud he is of me for using my God-given talents for God's glory. I don't think there are more beautiful words in the world than "I'm proud of you" from your dad.
My father, even though he never went to college and worked in a factory his whole life, always read the morning paper from beginning to end every day. He showed me that it was important to read and stay up on current events!
For as long as I can remember my father has been reading to us, and I'm way out of my teen years! He still reads to us from the Bible, will start reading passages aloud from whatever he's presently reading...I know I got my passion for reading and books from him.
He also still brings me books when he sees one he thinks I'll enjoy!!
I lost my father when I was 23, so I've been without his passion for historical detail for 17 years. I inherited his love for anything Civil War, and history in general, but I so wish he was only a phone call away as I begin writing historical romances. We moved to within 40 minutes of Gettysburg right after he died. I can't tell you how many times I've wished he could go there with me and take the tour. The town where I live also has Civil War history, and I was raised in Manassas, VA, so it's no wonder he had such acute interest in the CW.
I know he would be a zealous supporter of my writing because he encouraged me in whatever I put my mind to. Love you, Daddy!
I started reading Tom Clancy because my dad loved his books. To this day, my dad will still hand me books by authors I've never heard of but that he's discovered. My favorite recent memory though was two Christmases ago when Dad read Canteen Dreams at the big family meal. After reading the last page, he looked at me and grinned. "Wish there was more to this book!" I took that as a compliment :-)
My did passed away with cancer when I was 8 years old, so I don't remember a lot about him. He used to sit me on his knew and sing to me. I always looked up to my father-in-law as a dad figure, after we married, He was a hard working man in a sawmill and never had anything. But he was good to me and he died also with cancer, so I remember him more than my own dad.
My dad and I read the Narnia books years ago, too. But one of my favorite gifts from him ever was a copy of "The Princess Bride." Not many people know there really is a book behind that movie.
He also subscribed to National Geographic when I was a kid, and I remember reading that magazine over the years. He inspired me to always remember that God's made a big, big world that still waits for us to discover it. :)
My dad is a huge reader and on Saturdays when I was growing up, after chores, he'd take us on rounds to scrounge up new reading material: we'd hit the library, B Dalton, and the comic book store. I inherited my love of reading and my eclectic taste in books from him.
When he retired fifteen years ago, he realized his own long-held dream of becoming an author, publishing a handful of non-fiction books on train and trolley lines. He taught me the importance of persistence and using the gifts God has given you. I'm proud of him, and feel blessed that he's proud of me.
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