We are all sad to see the Heartsong Presents Mystery Club come to an end after only a year, but we are pleased that those books will have continued life in 3-in-1 collections.
Releasing in March are these 2 mystery collections.
I feel like giving copies away today. Soooooo, the first to comment here gets Everybody's Suspect in Georgia by Cecil Murphy, and the last to post before I come back to check the comments (not sure when that will be--today or next week) will get Mayhem in Maryland by Candice Speare. Multiple posts for that last comment slot will be allowed. Have fun posting!
PS - JoAnne is taking a vacation day.
Oh, I hope I'm the first! I 'd love a copy.
I've got this already though the book club so don't put me in the drawing, Becky. I love the titles. This whole line was such a great idea. I still wish that someday, maybe when the economy is a little stronger, it might live again.
I waited too until after the first comment was posted as I have read many of them. Great books. Kudos to Susan and the authors for all their hard work. Writing a mystery is not for the faint of heart.
I'd love to a copy! All the Heartsong mysteries I've read have been wonderful!
Oops! I left out a word. I'd love to HAVE a copy.
I'd love to have a copy! Having never been able to read a Heartsong Mysteries book yet, I am sad to hear that they will be discontinued. Thanks for this opportunity to enter the drawing. :)
God Bless You!
These books look great. Your company is a blessing, to know that you can get good, clean, Christian reading. I hope the mystery line will be able to come back again someday.
Don't enter me into the drawing. I already have all of these titles since I'm a member of the mystery book club. Just wanted to say that I'm glad to see that these are being re-released as 3 in 1 titles. Hopefully, Barbour will sell oodles of copies! Have a great weekend! :-)
So glad you're repackaging these!
I'd love to win a copy. It's so sad to see the death of this series. It was a fabulous idea. I agree with Cara...so glad your repackaging these.
Debra Ullrick
Is there a chance some cozy sets could sell as Heartsong Presents? Kind of a merging of the lines? At least here and there?
I'd love a copy but do you send to South Africa?
I would love a copy! I might be back to comment too :)
Packaging these as trios was a brilliant idea. I've got two of them and it's so nice to be able to read them one after the other.
I'd love another one to add to my collection.
I'm back to make a 2nd comment in hopes that I win this book. If I don't that is fine, too. :)
Okay, I'm back with a comment, too.
I think it's neat how the mysteries in the trios are themed by states the way the HP's are. It's a branding thing that works.
Pick me, Becky!
I'm back!
Probably my favorite of the ones I've read is by Darlene Frank about Grace Gulch. Do you think a trio will be made of hers eventually?
These are such great books! Would love to have a 3-in-1.
The code word for me to post was "swine."
Hope I'm not posting too often :)
I love your mystery stories! Placing them into an anthology is a great idea.
I was sorry to hear you had to cut back on this line.
I also liked the one with bunions in the title but haven't seen if there are others past the first one? Will even those that weren't released as singles be made into three? I'm not sure how that works.
Did Cathy just say she had bunions in the title? Is that like a new disease? Is it catching?
Okay, Dionne. Or should I call you S?
Make fun of how I botched your title, then! I just didn't feel like going to find your book in my stacks to get it perfect.
You know what I meant.
So, will your mysteries be in a trio eventually?
Inquiring minds want to know. I don't remember what state yours was set in?
I'm back to make a post. :)
Okay, raspberrygirl, you are IT. I will need to get a mailing address from you. Try emailing us at editcafe at Barbourbooks.com.
If someone could help me set up an email link here or has suggestions for how to make this winner contacts easier, I'm open.
I dunno, Cathy. Becky is bosswoman now, so you'll have to beg, plead, and give up your first child to find out. Oh, your credit card number wouldn't hurt either. I'll even send you a copy of Polly Dent Loses Grip (book 2) if you storm the gates of Barbour on my behalf. Deal? But whatever you do, don't tell Becky about this, 'kay? Sign all your please anonymous. She'll never figure out it was you.
Maple Gap is in CO, btw.
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