Friday, March 23, 2007

I Love It When I’m Wrong!

Doug and I commute to work together as often as we can. He drives the first leg to his job in Canton, then I head on down to Uhrichsville. It only adds about 10 minutes to my trip. And what’s another 10 tacked on to 55? :P It’s definitely worth the gas money we save. Plus, I enjoy the company for half of the daily drive. It’s great for communication in our marriage—designated talk time that Doug can’t easily escape! (And I like to talk...a lot!)

Our last couple of commutes have been on the quiet side, however, as I was reading Ted Dekker’s Three and just couldn’t put it down. I’d been reading it for a while, actually, just a chapter or so here and there, because I had trouble getting into it. But by halfway through I was completely hooked. What a twist at the end! I didn’t see it coming at all, and I love when that happens. It’s funny because when I read suspense or mystery, I’m constantly trying to figure it out, hoping I’m right so that the author hasn’t outwitted me. Yet, being right is oddly disappointing, so I’d rather be wrong! (And that’s about the only time I prefer that!)

What books have taken you by total surprise? I’m looking for another good “twisted” read, and Doug may thank you for the quiet commute time, too!


Jessica Ferguson said...

You are TRULY blessed to be able to read in a moving car! I can't so I'm always the designated driver. My dh usually takes the opportunity to read scripture to me -- often making me practice memory verses. We're an odd old couple! :D

We read THREE while visiting dh in Scotland last summer. Daughter read it first and loved it. She revealed to me what happened--thinking I'd never read it, but that just made me WANT to read it to STUDY how Dekker pulled it off. He did a great job.

Mary Connealy said...

I'm out for reading in the car, too, JoAnne. Major car sickness. What a great enforced togetherness time. It's so much better than being on the road for so long and only increasing the time you spend apart from him.
I saw Cathy Marie Hake's Golden Dawn in the flyer in this month's Heartsongs, which came yesterday. That means mine is coming up soon!!!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite books of all time really "got" me in the end. "At the Scent of Water" by Linda Nichols was a great read.

Cecelia Dowdy said...

What book has taken me by total surprise?


I was totally shocked at the end! I read that book in a day and a half! I wanted to see the movie, but I never got a chance to go.