Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Ball of Energy in a Bonnet

Sometimes it's still fun to sit back and read a kid's book.

Releasing this month are 2 books that begin a new series for 8-12 readers. Wanda E. Brunstetter is now bringing Amish culture alive for young readers in School's Out and Back to School. These are the misadventures of a delightfully high-spirited Amish girl named Rachel Yoder that are sure to delight little girls everywhere.

Check them out at a store near you.


The Write Life said...

I'm so excited to get these for my girls! I'm sure I'll be reading them, too, of course...

Becky said...

Thanks for asking about a book preview or I may have forgotten to post about this.

The Write Life said...

I really enjoy the previews.

You've reviewed a few books that I've seen out on the shelves or online, but the review has brought them to my immediate attention and made me want to buy/read them.

Keep 'em coming!


Lacy J. Williams said...

I had the privilege to read these two for review and they are so fun! Rachel reminded me of myself and my brother "back in the day" (the getting into trouble part - not the Amish part).

I'm giving away a copy of each at my site

Mary Connealy said...

There were a handful of really perfect children's books that I read over and over to my kids when they were little. Of course we read ALL THE TIME and many of them over and over but a few just kind of sang to me.
The Big Orange Splot by D. Manus Pinkwater.
Maude and Claude Go Abroad by Susan Meddaugh
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Tootle by Gertrude Hampton

They are the ones that come to mind and of course they're old because my kids are old.
The Big Orange Splot is this very funny but impossibly wise book about being yourself, standing up to peer pressure, being joyful about the things that make you different.
The 'chorus' verse is:
My house is me and I am it
And it looks like all my dreams.

I bought the Little Golden Book, Tootle for every child born into my family.
I'd give it to them and tell their parents, "This is a basic, classic book that tells you everything you need to know as a parent. It's a lesson both social and spiritual and physical.
"There are nothing but red flags for little trains who get off the tracks."
A perfect truth. My job as a GED Teacher is about 'little trains who have gotten off the tracks', and I'm telling you that there are NOTHING but red flags for them.
But this book also says you can get back on the tracks and things will come right. Very wise book.