Elsie said, "These books are excellent reading to share and discuss with our tweens and teens." And in answer to the question of how this book has inspired her life she said, "These titles will be good tools to open conversation about salvation and learning to grow in knowledge, grace, and faith."
As authors and/or readers of Heartsongs, have our books opened any doors for you to share your faith? Have they ever helped you mentor a young person in your life? I'd love to hear your comments on this!
I enjoyed Wagonload of Trouble, too. I'm always pleased when readers tell me they've passed my books on to their daughters (or mothers, or other people they care about). And if they talk about them and the issues we present, that's a bonus!
I knew a lady at the church we used to attend who gave her heart to the Lord after reading a Christian fiction book. Knowing that has given me great encouragement as I write my books.
It's a blessing to know one of my books has touched a readers' heart or encouraged them in their faith walk. Thanks for sharing Elsie's comments.
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