- I've been going through lots of reader mail the past couple days, and I always enjoy getting feedback. One comment in particular stood out to me. A lady named Patricia read The Greatest Find by Paige Winship Dooly and when asked how the book inspired her life Patricia responded, "Very much by wanting to keep in touch more with God!"
- I wrote an article about Heartsong for the May issue of Christian Fiction Online Magazine and you can find it there on Monday.
- I'm excited that the two cutie-pies in the photo (Jodi and my nephew, Jake) get to play with each other starting next week when I'm in Colorado for the Colorado Christian Writers Conference and some vacation time, too! (This picture was taken back in September.)
That's it! Have a great weekend!
What cute babies!
How cool about one of Paige's fans letting you know how she felt! I agree--Paige's books are inspiring and wonderful!
Ah the fan letters. I tremble.
I'll look forward to the article.
Adorable babies. How old is Jodi now?
That's neat the Jodi has someone her age to play with. She sure is growing fast!
Aw, thank you for sharing that! It's reassuring and so much fun to get notes like this from the readers.
Jodi and her cousin look like twins. They'll have fun growing up together.
How wonderful when the Lord uses an author's words to really touch a reader's heart! ~ Thanks for sharing the precious Jodi & cousin picture! It still amazes me how much she reminds me of my Amy at that age....wow! Blessings,
Patti Jo :)
Thanks you all your comments!
Mary - Jodi will be 21 months on Wednesday. Time is flying way too fast!
I will be looking for your article about Heartsong. Just what I was hoping to find! Wonderful timing.
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