JoAnne has an abscessed tooth and isn't up to her usual witty self today.
We've had a couple rainy days (that we really needed) but today looks dry, though cloudy, and I'd rather be outside enjoying spring before the rains return. So, today I'm kicked back, listening to iTunes, and reading a proposed manuscript that would be rather different for Barbour but that has me sucked in. I keep wondering if I'm wasting my time reading it since it may take a lot to convince the team to do it, but at least I'm enjoying my time. Right?
On the homefront, I have a lot going on -- including brooding baby chickens and turkeys in my living room. Truly! See!
Here I'll offer myself up on poultry research as relates to your writing. I've been learning a whole lot about poultry this past year and making many friends who are also into poultry and small farms. So fire me a question if you need help that you aren't finding online or elsewhere, and I'll try to help.
I used to think nothing of a story heroine going out to collect eggs first thing in the morning, but now I question that. My own girls don't seem to lay before 10 am, and I haven't noticed any
So here is hoping you are having a wonderful spring (those of you not getting dumped on by snow that is), enjoying daffodills and the like, and accomplishing all that is on your "to do" list.
Makes me think of that song from Seven Brides For Seven Brothers where they're all singing about spring and baby animals. :)
Poor JoAnne. I'm such a wimp when it comes to tooth pain (okay, I admit it, when it comes to any pain.)
I hope JoAnne is feeling better soon, and thanks for the pictures of the babies.
All right, I've got a go-to girl for chicken questions.
I hate the dentist.
Good luck with the manuscript. Sometimes, like when I'm judging a contest, I'll read something and it's just got what I think of as an X Factor. Hard to define but it's just compelling.
Becky, Your chicks are so cute. So you gather eggs, but I have to you also eat the hens?
Feel better, JoAnne.
Why do you have chickens?
And why did it cross the road? ;-)
Chickens and turkeys, huh? I just blogged about my adventure today with a turkey. It was in my oven, though, and now I feel really bad because I'll bet baby turkeys are just as cute as baby chickens.
How long do they stay in your house?
Thanks for including these cute pictures, Becky. It's good to know you're an "egg-spert" on poultry now (excuse the bad pun, LOL!). ~ Sure hope JoAnne feels better soon, bless her heart.
Blessings from Georgia (where Spring is in full bloom, literally!!), Patti Jo Moore :)
I started with chickens last October when I built a coop and got some young hens. I've been on a quest for healthy food options, and one of the best way to control your food intake is to control where it comes from.
Now I'm just crazy for talkative birds that leave me a daily gift.
I eat eggs (and sell some). I haven't ate one of my hens yet, but I've bought farm raised chicken from a local natural farmer. We'll see how the whole raising for meat venture goes.
It's my first go at raising chicks. They will stay in the main house their first couple weeks. Then I'll graduate them to the garage. I have a small coop house set up for them to go in as they get bigger and can start to handle the outdoor temps.
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