I've enjoyed sharing with you each week. Not only have I tried to impart a bit of writer-and-editor wisdom, I've had the privilege of introducing you to my family and relaying a few of our adventures over the past couple of years. You've blessed me with your kind comments and cyber friendships, and I trust in some small way I've been a blessing to you as well. I'll be hanging around Facebook in the coming days, so look for me there, and I'll keep you updated on my latest happenings.
While the mystery book club may not be judged a financial success, I am confident in the quality of the books we produced. I look forward to seeing more great books by the authors who comprised our mystery team.
Along the way, I made some tremendous friends and business connections. As I sign off, I want to express my sincere appreciation to each and every one of the mystery authors and freelance editor "regulars" who made my Barbour assignment a true pleasure. You will always hold an extra special place in my heart, dear friends.
Thanks for the memories Author Brothers and Sisters Chris, Jan, & Sandy, Candice, Nancy M, Cec, Lisa H, Rajendra, Dana, Susan & Megan D, Anita H, Darlene, Lynette, Sandra R and Sandra M, Lisa Lu & Janelle, Cynthia, Frances, Kate, Lisa Li, Eileen, Linda, Mary, Janice, Mr. Chris, Susan S, Beth, and Marilyn. And I most definitely could NOT have done this job without my freelance sidekicks and pals Candice, Ellen, Nancy T, and Anita P.
To my dear Barbour teammates and friends, Becky and JoAnne--don't have too much fun around here without me. You've been delightful co-Barbie Girls!
And now. . .
"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." --Hebrews 13: 20-21, NIV.

I'd rather see this as the end of this particular chapter - with many more chapters to come in "The Story of Susan" before "The End" really comes.
I'm looking forward to being part of your upcoming chapters. I'm one of those characters you just can't get rid of, you know. LOL!
Just wanted you to know that every bit of this journey has been enjoyable because of you. You've been understanding, supportive, creative and inspiring. No one could have had a better editor.
All I have to say is:
What's next dear MME??? Whatever it is, I'm on board. (S)
Love you much,
Susan - I met you at ACFW conference. Although I am not a mystery author, I found myself wishing I was one so I might have the opportunity to work with you! I'll be watching for your next "chapter" -
God bless,
Kellie Gilbert
Arlington, Texas
Good-bye, Susan. You're a dear woman who will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you!
I look forward to hearing about the new doors that God is sure to open for you.
I will miss you here on the Edit Cafe. It was wonderful learning about your family and your life outside of the publishing world. Hugs to you!!
Susan, You are still a fantastic editor - for which I owe much to the Heartsong books you edited for me before the Mystery series. I hope we are still blessed by your editing talents that helps us greatly as writers. I have learned much from you. :)
You're kind, Lauralee (and all!). Thanks for your uplifting words. I hope to continue copy editing for Barbour on a freelance basis in the days to come. I'd love the opportunity to work with you on another HP again. Susan
Susan, it was a joy to work with you. This is not so-long, of course, but until the next opportunity and bend in the road. You'll always be thought of as our "YMME"! :) ~~Lynette
Susan, I enjoyed reading the books you edited in the Mystery line. I hope you enjoy this new chapter of your life. I've also enjoyed reading your posts on the Edit Cafe.
You're going to be very missed on the Edit Cafe. May you follow God's leading in the days ahead and go with His love and joy.
I refuse to say goodbye. Never goodbye. We'll continue to stay in touch until we get to share another chapter together. You're a blessing, Susan. Have been from the moment I met you. I look forward to more time and blessings together. Get ready for the next ride. I just know God has something special planned for you. Love you much.
Susan, if you don't mind a little editing, take off the words "the end" and make them "the beginning." God has just started you out on the next venture, the new door is opening, and a new beginning is around the bend. Keep in touch with us!
Although I wasn't able to meet ANY of the "Barbie Girls" at the ACFW conference in MN :( , I can tell from your posts (and comments from others) that you are a wonderful lady. I pray the Lord will guide and bless you always.
Hugs from Georgia, Patti Jo :)
P.S. Thanks for the pics of Baby Kai you've shared too!! :)
P.S. That's supposed to be a "sad face" after the MN in my previous post -LOL!! Patti Jo :)
What a blessing it was for me to be able to work with you these past couple years! You've been a special part of my life, and I know God has incredible things in store for you in the coming weeks and months.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the wisdom and fun insights you shared on this blog. Hope this new chapter in your writing and editing career will bring new challenges and blessings your way. I will look for you on Facebook.
I add my thanks, and prayers for you and praise for you to everyone else's comments.
The Mysteries! line is quality and fun. Blessings on you as God takes you to the next book in your series in life.
Hi, Susan,
I don't want to say good-bye, but simply so long until we meet again on Facebook or some conference. I hope you can make it down for ours sometime.
I so enjoyed working with you and appreciate your helpful advice on my manuscripts. I remember the first time I met you in Kansas City. I thought to myself, "This is one classy lady." And you've never disappointed.
May God richly bless you with wonderful things in the future. Don't forget to post those pictures of Kai on Facebook.
You will stop by the Edit Cafe and keep in touch, right??? We will miss your blogs, but you can still keep us updated and write along with the rest of us.
May God bless you on this next journey.
Even though I never wrote a cozy, you will always be special to me for the editing you did on my very first novella and for my second book in the New Mexico series. It will always be one of my favorite novels.
You are a special lady and I know the Lord has great things in store for you! We will miss you on the Edit Cafe. At least we'll be able to keep up with you on Facebook! I hope you find this new path the Lord has set out for you exciting and filled with His blessings!
Thank you, one and all, for your kind words. I will cherish your comments in the days to come. And yes, I will pop in on the Comments page every now and again to say hi. We're all in this together to advance His Kingdom through the written word!
Group hug. . .and blessings all around.
Dearest Susan,
You helped so many of us get our start...you placed faith and hope in us, and you blessed us with your gentle spirit and encouragement. You're such a sweet, kind woman--I'm sure there's a verse in Proverbs written about a lady just like you--may you always know how much you are loved and appreciated.
You're the best! You keep us posted on what's happening with you, and we'll do the same.
Thanks for giving me a chance.
Susan, I hope you'll be editing for me soon! I'll miss you on here. :(
I didn't know you were leaving...I always thought I was on top of things...I guess I'm not. It's been busy at school...my heart hurts. I don't even know what to say...except I know that God is good.
Love you, Susan.
Jennifer said it best... Our hearts hurt.
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